Each light comes on when the voltage reaches a certain level. For the battery information there are 4 LED lights.

The reason these LEDs are often referred to as “idiot lights” is that the information they provide is limited and in the case of the holding tank sensors, often wrong.
This applies mostly to those with AGM and lead acid house batteries and the Onan generator found on older models. Newer Roadtrek models with the Voltstart engine generator and Ecotrek lithium power modules have different monitor panels and operate differently. There is a momentary test switch that will light up LEDs to display tank and battery levels. Our water pump switch is on this panel, and some Roadtreks have the battery cut-off switch on the panel as well. Besides the battery information, there is also water tank level info, sometimes propane tank level and often other switches. Our Roadtrek has a KIB monitor panel – which has been used by many RV manufacturers for years. This apples mostly to those with older Roadtrek models. We will try to shed light on the mysteries of RV battery systems. They simply did not understand what was happening, and didn’t understand the information their monitor panel provided. Most likely there is nothing wrong with with their battery, their generator, or their charging system. But 20 minutes later my battery is low again!” We have seen questions like this for years from new RV owners. “What is wrong? My battery was low, so I turned on my generator, and 20 minutes later the battery was full, so I turned off the generator.