Masterwriter 2.0 requirements
Masterwriter 2.0 requirements

masterwriter 2.0 requirements

The beauty of it all, is that it happens while you're writing songs. Use MasterWriter, and you will become a better songwriter. It's really quite simple, the musician practices his instrument to become a better player.


When you use MasterWriter your knowledge and vocabulary begin to expand and as they do, you will find new and colorful ways to paint word pictures. Masterwriter.2.0.: 2: 2,324 KB/s: Masterwriter 2.0 Activation Code (2019) Retail: 2: 2,662 KB/s: Showing 6 download results of 6 for Masterwriter 2.0 Activation Code. In our daily conversation and in our songwriting, we tend to use a vocabulary that we are familiar and comfortable with. MasterWriter's world-class database allows you to come back to that song the next day, the next month or a year later and you will find all the lyrics, alternate versions, melodic ideas and reference materials exactly as they were when you last worked on that song. Imagine having everything related to the song you are writing, just a mouse click away. It was our goal to utilize the technologies of today in a manner that would not complicate or get in the way of the creative process. MasterWriter is a very powerful tool which is easy to use, easy to navigate, and fast. The rhymes, phrases, ideas, and information contained in MasterWriter's reference dictionaries, along with the unique features provided, will be a constant source of inspiration.

  • And saving the best for last, it's easy to use.
  • masterwriter 2.0 requirements

    A library of over 250 tempo adjustable MIDI Drum Loops.


  • Songuard, an online date-of-creation Song Registration Service.
  • A stereo Hard Disk Recorder for recording your melodic ideas.
  • A State-of-the-art database that allows you to keep track of all the Lyrics, Melodies and Information related to the songs you’ve written or are writing.
  • The American Heritage Dictionary and Roget’s II Thesaurus.
  • The only Alliterations Dictionary in existence.
  • A Rhymed-Phrases Dictionary with over 36,000 entries.
  • Not just the old familiar ones but a vast array of that which is new and contemporary.
  • A Dictionary containing over 35,000 Phrases, Idioms, Clichés, Sayings and Word Combinations.
  • A Pop-Culture Dictionary with over 11,000 icons of American and World Culture.
  • A Rhyming Dictionary with over 100,000 entries.

    Whatever mood you’re in, if you’re riding the creative wave or just passing time, MasterWriter will consistently impress.MasterWriter is the ultimate collection of writing tools for the professional songwriter. Where this program shines the most is the sheer volume of content and ease of use. More importantly, the audio can be used to records ideas or even rough, rough demos that you can later export. You are able to record audio into this program-but don’t expect to be too impressed if you’re using MasterWriter for that reason. Pop Culture is a wide library of famous people, events, products, culture, and everything in between to add cultural relevance to your composition. Parts of Speech continue that idea with filters that allow you to choose the perfect word or phrase. Word Families is an extensive list of common adjectives, adverbs, nouns and verbs for any word you need to spice up. You’ll find rhyming dictionaries with pages of suggestions-many of which are surprisingly decent. Once you’ve begun a new song, the categories MasterWriter contain are presented at the top of the window for you to begin to paint your lyrical landscape. A song list page serves as a platform in which to name and create your lyrics. Once downloading the free 30-day trial, you’re introduced to a myriad of options that any songwriter will benefit from. It’s designed to either help you get over that creative hump or during the nitty-gritty of writing the first verse.


    “This is a business that only rewards the exceptional, and good is rarely good enough.” This concluding thought is from the online demo for MasterWriter 2.0, a software program for your Mac or PC that is an exhaustive writing database for any kind of songwriter.

    Masterwriter 2.0 requirements